Keep Your Teeth Healthy with Regular Checkups
Dental Fillings in Abbotsford
Regular appointments go a long way towards cavity prevention.
Dealing with Cavities in Abbotsford
We Can Fill You in on Your Treatment Options
No one likes to hear that they have cavities; alas, the appearance of black or brown spots on your teeth will require a dentist’s opinion in order to determine the best course of treatment. Whether you’re dealing with a sore tooth or you have an older filling that is coming loose, Medora Dental Care in Abbotsford treats all cavities with proactive service and attention.
How We Help You
Benefits of Going to a Dental Clinic
No one likes to hear that they have cavities; alas, the appearance of black or brown spots on your teeth will require a dentist’s opinion in order to determine the best course of treatment. Whether you’re dealing with a sore tooth or you have an older filling that is coming loose, Medora Dental Care in Abbotsford treats all cavities with proactive service and attention.
We Offer Direct and Indirect Fillings
Direct fillings (silver amalgam or white ceramic plastic) are an effective way of preventing further damage and can usually be performed in a short amount of time. Indirect fillings may prove to be a better solution depending on the individual; however, they will require at least 2 appointments and involve the use of crowns or inlays.