Medora Dental Care, Your Family Dentist in Abbotsford



How do you know if a filling needs replacing? Expert Tips and Signs

Wondering if that old filling needs to go? Fillings, like most dental restorations, have a lifespan. Over time, chewing and grinding can wear them down, ...
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Can You Inherit Dental Problems? Understanding Genetic Influence on Oral Health

Dental health is a critical aspect of overall well-being, and many wonder if dental problems can be inherited. Genetics can indeed play a significant role ...
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How Long Should You Wait to Eat After a Dental Filling? Tips and Guidelines

Getting a dental filling can be a straightforward solution to treat cavities or minor fractures in a tooth, but patients might wonder how long they ...
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Is it Normal for a 4 Year Old to Have Cavities?

It’s a common misconception that cavities only affect adults. However, children, including 4-year-olds, can also develop cavities. Cavities in children are a major concern, as ...
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How Soon Can I Eat After a Tooth Extraction? Essential Recovery Tips

Having a tooth extracted is a common procedure, but it comes with its own set of questions, especially about eating afterward. This is one of ...
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How Many Times Can a Tooth Be Filled? Understanding Limits and Factors

How many times can a tooth be filled? This is a common question for those experiencing recurring dental issues. Though there isn’t a strict limit, ...
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